Thursday, December 27, 2007

Friday, December 21, 2007


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I think it was this composition which made me realize I could make some really interesting music with my MadPlayer. It also marked the beginning of my awkward phase of being unable to come up with names and descriptions for this music. I really really hate that part. It's so much harder then actually making the music.

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

"the enormous living thing which you revere"

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Another oldie. I like this one, too.

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

From the past

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An oldie but goodie.

Monday, December 17, 2007

Getting up to speed

I'll be posting a new song every day for awhile to get a good collection of music online. Now would be a good time to subscribe to the Dancast feed!

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Perversion06 got its name from part two of Perversion For Profit, and the resulting music video. I'm not entirely happy with that version so there may be a new music video for Perversion06 soon. Stay tuned!

I'm not sure, but I may add a video channel to this podcast for the music videos. Lemme think about it for a while.

Dancast hosted at

I'll be uploading the Dancast to, so update your bookmarks.

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Welcome to the Dancast

Here's the first of my weekly podcast of machined music. Enjoy!

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I'm kicking things off with one of my favorites to date, Perversion05. This composition got its name from Perversion For Profit part one on the Prelinger Archives Collection. You can view the music video here.

Perverison05 is also viewable as:
Perversion 05 re-mashed
Perversion 05 Atomic Mix
Perversion 05 Gatewasy Mix
and recently as the Lived and Learned Mix

Yeah, I kinda like this bit of music. Even if nobody else does.